AI Content: Is It Hurt Your Ranking?

Post on April 16, 2024
AI Content: Is It Hurt Your Ranking?

Are you a blogger or WordPress website owner looking to boost your content creation with the help of artificial intelligence? Tools for generating AI content are becoming increasingly popular, but how do they affect your SEO?

In this post, we’ll answer that question and explore what AI content is, how to use it effectively for SEO, and even some specific ways AI can help you craft headlines, adjust your writing style, and optimize your content.

Let’s dive in and see if it’s good for your WordPress site.

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What Is AI Content?

Text, images, and even videos can now be created with the help of artificial intelligence tools. There are various AI content generators available, some popular ones being ChatGPT, Google Gemini, DALL-E, and Microsoft Copilot

What Is AI Content

These AI tools are super helpful for making content quickly. For example, with ChatGPT or Gemini, you can write entire articles in just a few minutes. There are also AI image generator tools, like DALL-E, that can create amazing pictures in no time.

All these tools can produce content on any topic you want much faster than before. They use a special kind of learning called “machine learning.” This means they are trained by being shown a lot of information, like from websites, books, and articles. The problem is that the information isn’t always perfect. It might not be totally true, creative, or even well-written.

AI developers try to fix this by using better quality information and teaching the AI to judge its sources. But even with bad information, AI can learn.

Because of this, it’s important to always double-check anything AI creates. Putting out the wrong information can make your website look unprofessional and even hurt your SEO. So, use AI as a helpful tool, but remember it’s still under development and needs human oversight.

Is AI Content Bad or Good For WordPress SEO?

You might be wondering if using AI to write content for your WordPress website hurts your ranking high in search results. The answer is, it depends.

Search engines want to show users the most helpful and informative content possible. Google uses a set of criteria called E-E-A-T to evaluate the quality of a website and its content.

E-E-A-T Model

E-E-A-T stands for Expertise, Experience, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness.

Content written entirely by AI might struggle to meet these standards for a few reasons:

  • AI is trained on information from the internet, which isn’t the same as your own unique knowledge and experience.
  • AI-generated content might not always be accurate or truthful. It can even make things up.

So, AI can’t build the kind of trust and authority that a real human author can. A human author can share their own experiences and insights, which makes the content more engaging and believable.

However, this doesn’t mean AI content is completely bad for SEO. Google doesn’t penalize websites because of using AI content, as long as it’s not used to trick search engines.

The key takeaway is that AI content on its own might not be the best for SEO. It lacks the human touch that search engines value.

How to Use AI for Better Content and Higher Rankings?

AI can be a powerful tool to help you create better content. For example:

  • AI can find relevant information quickly, saving you tons of time.
  • AI can suggest interesting topics and help you structure your content.
  • If you’re staring at a blank page, AI can provide some starting points to get you going.

But it’s important to remember that AI is an assistant, not a replacement for human creativity. The best SEO content comes from combining AI’s efficiency with your expertise.

Here are some ways to use AI effectively:

  • Let AI suggest interesting topics based on your niche.
  • Use AI to create a basic structure for your content, then fill in the details yourself.
  • AI can help with proofreading, paraphrasing, and adjusting the style of your writing.
  • AI can help you lengthen or shorten your content, making it perfect for different formats.

Overall, you can create high-quality content that’s optimized for search engines, while still adding your unique voice and perspective.

Now, we’ll explore some specific examples of how to put these ideas into practice.

Using AI to Generate Headlines

Getting people to click on your website can be tough, even if it’s on the first page of search results. This is because the title, also called SEO title, is what people see first. An attractive and informative title can make your article stand out from the competition.

Writing a great title can be tricky. There’s a limit on how many characters you can use, and other websites might already use the most obvious titles.

And AI is a great tool to help you generate several catchy title ideas at once.

For instance, a popular SEO plugin called All in One SEO has a built-in AI title generator. This tool uses OpenAI’s ChatGPT to create headlines that are likely to get people to click.

Generate Headlines Using AI

You need the paid version of OpenAI, and you need to connect it to All in One SEO.

Then, click on a button next to your title box, and the AI will give you up to five title ideas. These titles will all follow the latest best practices for writing effective headlines.

AI Generated Headlines Example

You can then pick the title you like best, or you can ask the AI to generate more titles until you find one that’s perfect for your article. The AI content tcan also help you write a description of your article, which is important for search engines.

Using AI to Adjust Tone and Style

Many website owners and bloggers struggle to truly connect with their target audience. This can lead to content that falls flat and fails to resonate.

And AI content tools are trained on massive datasets, allowing them to understand language patterns with exceptional accuracy. This translates to a deeper grasp of what resonates with different audiences.

For instance, consider Grammarly‘s AI-powered writing assistant. It helps you tailor your content to a specific tone and style.

Grammarly Tone Detection

The tool even learns your unique voice over time. As you use Grammarly, it identifies your brand’s personality and tailors suggestions accordingly. This ensures your AI content stays true to your brand while maximizing impact.

Grammarly Voice Tone Detection Example

But Grammarly isn’t the only option. Tools like ChatGPT and Gemini offer similar functionalities.

Here’s a helpful prompt you can try to create AI Content:

I need you to be a professional proofreader and copywriter. First, you will request that I send you the text that you wish to optimize. When you receive the text, instead of responding, you will ask me to describe the tone and style I prefer for the text. After I provide you with tone and style suggestions, you will analyze the text and make changes to ensure that it matches the desired tone and style. You will highlight the changes you have implemented. At the end, provide a summary that describes the original text’s tone and style, as well as the changes you made to match the style and tone I requested.

Using AI to Optimize Content

Businesses and creators constantly fight for top positions in search engine results. Search engines prioritize content that best addresses a user’s search intent. But how do you craft content that not only answers a user’s question but also outshines the competition?

AI can rapidly analyze massive amounts of data and identify patterns. This can be incredibly useful in content creation. AI platforms like ChatGPT and Gemini can analyze your draft and suggest ways to improve it, ensuring it comprehensively addresses user intent. They act like helpful companions, comparing your work to existing top content and pinpointing areas where you might be missing key information.

For instance, I’ve had success using a specific prompt with both ChatGPT 4 and Gemini to create AI content.

Request the text of an article I am currently working on. After you receive the text, ask me to provide you with a search term that I am attempting to target. After receiving the search term, compare my text to the top 10 search results for the term I entered. Now I need you to make suggestions on how to fill in the content gaps in the text so that it outperforms the current top ten searches.

Conclusion: Is AI Content Good or Bad for SEO?

AI content creation can be a valuable tool for SEO, but it shouldn’t replace your human touch. AI excels at generating ideas, optimizing for keywords, and boosting efficiency. However, high-quality SEO content requires your unique voice, knowledge, and expertise.

You can create informative, engaging content that reflects your brand and resonates with your audience by using AI as a supportive tool. This combination is a winning formula for SEO success.

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